Logo[workdraft]: desk clock

Will remind You the things you might miss...

About the Project

The Story or How it started

Project ^gTimer originated from idea of School Timers as helpers in the teaching process. It always has been a problem for me to manage teaching process, lesson tasks and keep track of lesson time or time for a given task. Of course you have a timer in your Smartphone, but... Mine has already so many tasks to do, and you have to switch from PC/Laptop to phone, you need to Unlock it, find the Timer App, set the desired time and finnaly start it. Too much effort for a regular system Timer. Moreover I plan to merge all my subprojects into E-Grades System. Soo... this webapp suits my needs and is a step closer to EGS.

The Name & a Codename

Codename ^gTimers came from Gnome desktop apps: g<AppName> like gEdit or Gpick. After that I looked at some website template to use for my Timers, and found my own, previous project - TROP (Task Reminder Open Project) which looked fine enough. So I used the template, powered it up, and found out product name STOP which stands for: School Timers Oriented Presets.

The License aka Terms of Use

This website that hosts a service called STOP (School Timers Oriented Presets) is delivered AS IS, without any waranty, although I'm personly a Teacher in Highschool, and I'm using this service regularly with NO ISSUES. Knowing that there are other Teachers in same situation as I, I'm sharing this service free of charge, as long as this service is used within this Website (stop.gplweb.pl) and the Teacher is using free or open source software from this list. Otherwise you should pay a fee for using this software like you pay for any other software you are using. That is my educational license.

Resources License

This service uses sounds from freesound.org (a service with sounds on CreativeCommons licence): by user GowlerMusic.
This website uses miniature of picture from wikipedia.org and is titled "The Persistence of Memory" painted by Salvador Dali.


Questions someone might be Frequently asking:

  1. What do I need to run those Timers?
  2. Why I dont hear any sound after Timer finishes?
  3. What with running Timer(s) if I switch to another Browser Tab, or even Browser window?
  4. What will happen with the running Timer if I accidentally close the Browser window?
  5. This website looks like totally disordered in my web browser, what to do?
  6. This website looks awful in my web browser, what can I do?
  7. Why don't you support Internet Explorer or Edge?

FAQ placeholder

Roadmap aka #TODO



Cases in which you can send me a message using Contact form:

  1. Report a bug
  2. Request a functionality
  3. Ask for a license to use as a product
  4. Tell me I should use messenger <messanger_name_here> or some social media account on <social_media_portal_name_here>
  5. Send me a ticket to go to Hell with my JAWA (Yet Another Waste Application)